
terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2019

É oficializado os riscos de formação de nitrosaminas por Herbicidas +Agro

24 de janeiro 2019

Juquira Candiru

Amigos e cidadãos, nos últimos 25 anos, surgiram e expandiram as culturas geneticamente modificadas, principalmente para aumentar o uso de herbicidas à base de Glyphosate e Glufosinato. O resultado é que milhões de hectares de áreas cultivadas são infestadas por plantas daninhas mutantes resistentes a esses herbicidas que já ultrapassam mais de 300 espécies no mundo. As consequências não podem ser calculáveis ou imagináveis.

É raro no mundo a água livre de contaminação por esses herbicidas e o mais grave é o fato da ciência se calar diante do grave e severo risco de formação de várias nitrosaminas de glyphosate e nitrosaminas de glufosinato de alta toxicidade e capacidade de causar câncer, agindo também como aminoácidos sintéticos de condições muito adversas na Biologia.

O governo da Califórnia em 16 de junho de 2017 oficializou o risco de contaminação por nitrosaminas

The government of California on June 16, 2017 made the risk of contamination by nitrosamines:

Glyphosate Listed Effective July 7, 2017, as Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer Jun 26, 2017 On March 28, 2017, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) posted a Notice on its website[1] that glyphosate (CAS No. 1071-83-6) would be added to the list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer for purposes of Proposition 65[2] with a delayed effective date due to the pending case Monsanto v OEHHA.[3]

Monsanto’s challenge was unsuccessful in the trial court. Although the case has been appealed, no stay of the listing has been granted. Therefore, glyphosate is being added to the Proposition 65 list on July 7, 2017. In summary, glyphosate is listed under Proposition 65 effective July 7, 2017 as known to the state to cause cancer, as follows:

[O desafio da Monsanto não foi bem sucedido no tribunal de julgamento. Embora o caso tenha sido apelado, nenhum estado da lista deu concessão. Portanto, o glifosato está sendo adicionado à lista da Proposição 65 em julho 7, 2017. Em resumo, o glifosato está listado na Proposta 65 em vigor a partir de 7 de julho de 2017, como é do conhecimento do estado por causar câncer, como segue:]

Chemical CAS No. Endpoint Listing Mechanism* Glyphosate** 1071-83-6 Cancer LC* Listing mechanism: LC – “Labor Code” mechanism (Health and Safety Code section 25249.8(a) and Title 27 Cal. Code of Regs. section 25904)** A Agência Internacional de Pesquisa sobre Câncer (IARC) indica que os seguintes produtos químicos são “também relevantes: 38641-94-0 (sal de glifosato-isopropilamina) 40465-66-5 (sal de monoamônio) 69254-40-6 (sal de diamônio) ) 34494-03-6 (glifosato de sódio) 81591-81-3 (glyphosate-trimesium)” (IARC, 2015b), porque esses sais se dissociam em glifosato livre.

Friends and citizens, in the last 25 years have emerged and expanded genetically modified crops, mainly to increase the use of herbicides based on Glyphosate and Gluphosinate. The result is that millions of hectares of cultivated areas are infested by mutant adventitious herbs resistant to these herbicides that already surpass more than 300 species in the world. The consequences can not be calculated or imaginable.

It is already rare in the world water free of contamination by these herbicides and the most serious is the fact that science is silent on the serious and severe risk of formation of various nitrosamines of glyphosate and nitrosamines glufosinate of very high toxicity and ability to cause cancer by acting, also as synthetic amino acids from very adverse conditions in Biology.

The government of California on June 16, 2017 made the risk of contamination by nitrosamines: Glyphosate Listed Effective July 7, 2017, as Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer Jun 26, 2017 On March 28, 2017, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) posted a Notice on its website[1] that glyphosate (CAS No. 1071-83-6) would be added to the list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer for purposes of Proposition 65[2] with a delayed effective date due to the pending case Monsanto v OEHHA.[3]  Monsanto’s challenge was unsuccessful in the trial court. Although the case has been appealed, no stay of the listing has been granted. Therefore, glyphosate is being added to the Proposition 65 list on July 7, 2017. In summary, glyphosate is listed under Proposition 65 effective July 7, 2017 as known to the state to cause cancer, as follows: 

Chemical CAS No.Endpoint Listing Mechanism* Glyphosate** 1071-83-6 Cancer LC *Listing mechanism: LC – “Labor Code” mechanism (Health and Safety Code section 25249.8(a) and Title 27 Cal. Code of Regs. section 25904) ** The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) indicates the following chemicals are “also relevant: 38641-94-0 (glyphosate-isopropylamine salt) 40465-66-5 (monoammonium salt) 69254-40-6 (diammonium salt) 34494-03-6 (glyphosate-sodium) 81591-81-3 (glyphosate-trimesium)” (IARC, 2015b), because these salts dissociate to free glyphosate.


Amigos y ciudadanos, en los últimos 25 años surgieron y expandieron cultivos genéticamente modificados,principalmente para incrementar el uso de herbicidas a base de Glyphosate y Glufosinato. El resultado es que millones de hectáreas de áreas cultivadas están infestadas por malezas mutantes resistentes a estos herbicidas que ya superan a más de 300 espécies en el mundo. Las consecuencias no pueden ser calculables ni imaginables.

Es raro en el mundo agua libre de contaminación por estos herbicidas y lo más grave es el hecho de la ciencia callar ante el grave y severo riesgo de formación de varias nitrosaminas de glyphosate y nitrosaminas de glufosinato de altísima toxicidad y capacidad de provocar cáncer por actuar, también como aminoácidos sintéticos de condiciones muy adversas en Biología.

O governo da Califórnia em 16 de junho de 2017 oficializou o risco de contaminação por nitrosaminas: The government of California on June 16, 2017 made the risk of contamination by nitrosamines:

Glyphosate Listed Effective July 7, 2017, as Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer Jun 26, 2017 On March 28, 2017, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) posted a Notice on its website[1] that glyphosate (CAS No. 1071-83-6) would be added to the list of chemicals known to the state to cause cancer for purposes of Proposition 65[2] with a delayed effective date due to the pending case Monsanto v OEHHA.[3]

Monsanto’s challenge was unsuccessful in the trial court. Although the case has been appealed, no stay of the listing has been granted. Therefore, glyphosate is being added to the Proposition 65 list on July 7, 2017.

In summary, glyphosate is listed under Proposition 65 effective July 7, 2017 as known to the state to cause cancer, as follows:

Chemical CAS No. Endpoint Listing Mechanism* Glyphosate** 1071-83-6 Cancer LC* Listing mechanism: LC – “Labor Code” mechanism (Health and Safety Code section 25249.8(a) and Title 27 Cal. Code of Regs. section 25904)** The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) indicates the following chemicals are “also relevant: 38641-94-0 (glyphosate-isopropylamine salt) 40465-66-5 (monoammonium salt) 69254-40-6 (diammonium salt) 34494-03-6 (glyphosate-sodium) 81591-81-3 (glyphosate-trimesium)” (IARC, 2015b), because these salts dissociate to free glyphosate.

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"no artigo 5º, inciso IV da Carta da República: 'é livre a manifestação do pensamento, sendo vedado o anonimato'."